中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
202009 (59期)期所有篇 |
- 成為老年父母的照顧者:成年子女的孝道信念、代間多重時空框架經驗整合能力及代間照顧者角色認同 Being a Caregiver for Aging Parents: Adult Children’s Filial Belief, Capacity of Integrating Intergenerational Cross-time-and-space Experience, and Their Role Identification of Caregiver
- 男同志向父親出櫃後關係衝突修復歷程中的子職轉化 Filial Changes in the Process of Repairing Conflict Relationship after the Gay Men Came Out to His Father
- 單次黏土治療應用於有負向情緒的青少年之成效初探 The Effectiveness of Single Clay Therapy on Adolescence with Negative Emotions
- 高齡者參與賦能取向式園藝治療團體之治療因素探究 The Exploration of Group Therapeutic Factors in the Empowerment-based Horticultural Group Therapy on the Elderly