中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
202005 (58期)期所有篇 |
- 禪宗心性觀溯源與輔導應用之開展—以慧能禪觀的探究與驗證為例 The Research of the Original Theory of Chinese Zen Buddhism and its Applications to Education and Guidance: Taking the Theory of Zen Master Hui-Neng and its Verification for the Example
- 自性的曼陀羅模型:解決黃光國難題的工夫論 Mandala Model of the Self: Kungfuism to Solve Hwang Kwang-Kuo Problem
- 以集群分析探討樂悲觀雙向度模式與心理適應之關係 Using Cluster analysis to Explore the Relation Between Dual-Axis Model of Optimism/Pessimism and Mental Adjustment
- 諮商心理師多元文化諮商的實踐探究:以新住民女性諮商為例 Exploring Multicultural Counseling Practice Experiences of Counseling Psychologists: The Case of Female New Immigrant Clients