中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
202001 (57期)期所有篇 |
- 主編的話:兒童諮商與親師諮詢—生態系統觀點的實務與研究反思 Editor’s Preface: Child Counseling and Parent/Teacher Consultation: The Practice and Research Reflection through Ecological System Perspective
- 探討多元專業工作者於兒少保護家庭暴力案件之合作共治模式 The Collaboration and Shared Governance Model of Professionals Who Work on Domestic Violence Cases Involving Child and Youth Protection
- 國小輔導教師接受藝術治療培訓方案期間運用藝術媒材於兒童輔導之經驗探究 The Experience of Elementary School Counselors Using Art Materials in Child Counseling during the Art Therapy Training Program Training
- 探究國小輔導實務工作中之教師諮詢執行經驗—雙向現象場視框之觀照 Implementation of Teacher Consultations in Elementary School Counseling: Comparison of a Dual Framework Phenomenal Field
- 與心理師跨專業合作在輔導教師角色壓力與工作滿意度的中介角色 Psychologist's Interdisciplinary Collaborations as a Mediator between Role Stress and Job Satisfaction in School Counselors