中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling
201909 (56期)期所有篇
家庭關係中親密與自主的平衡 The Balance between Intimacy and Autonomy in Family Relationship
台灣大學生父母期待對發展、焦慮未定向之影響:生涯自我效能的中介效果 The Impact of Parental Expectations on Taiwanese College Students’ Career Indecision: The Mediating Role of Career Decision Self-Efficacy
青少年母親親職適應團體之成效研究—Bowen家庭系統理論之運用 Effects of a Parenting Group Based on Bowen Family Systems Theory for Mothers with Young Adolescents
遊戲治療中的主題、象徵與療癒:以一名身體受虐兒為例 Themes, Symbols and Healing of Play Therapy: The Clinical Case of a Physically Abused Child