Leverage and Legacy:一位罹癌逝世 心理師的生死功課與助人工作實務的啟發 Leverage and Legacy Inspiration from the experience between life and death of a psychotherapist who died of cancer and her practical work to help clients
存在現象學取向生涯輔導方案:以馬來西亞經驗為例 Existential phenomenological career development project: An Malaysian experience
靈性整合在家族治療中的療癒契機 The healing opportunity of Spiritual Integration in family therapy
以敘事取向的沙盤探索人我關係:以一日工作坊為例之初探性研究 Exploring interpersonal relationship through an narrativeoriented sandtray: One day workshop for example
從客體關係理論的觀點看《鋼琴師》電影中的愛與關係 To discuss about the love and relationship from the Object Relations Theory's point of view by watching the movie %22Shine%22.