戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
202309 (36:3期)期所有篇 |
- 運用內容分析技術探討目的地印象形成因素:以五個亞洲城市為例 Applying Content Analysis to Discuss the Destination Image Formation from Traveler-Generated Content: The Case of Five Cities in Asia
- 都市綠地空間自然生態、景觀審美與地方依附之研究 The Study of the Natural Ecology, Landscape Aesthetics, and Place Attachment of Urban Green Spaces
- 疫情前後國人國內旅遊狀況初探研究──以電信數據探勘技術為例 Insights into Domestic Tourist Profiles through the Analysis of Cellular Vehicle Probe Data–Using Profiles of Activity Before and After the Onset of the Pandemic
- 關係行銷對中國運動休閒活動之慣性行為分析──數據分析法 Using Relationship Marketing to Examine the Inertia Behavior in Chinese Sport/Leisure Consumption–A Data Analytics Approach