戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
200512 (18:4期)期所有篇 |
- 遊客對北埔傳統聚落之文化遊憩屬性與場所依戀關係之研究 Relationships between Cultural Recreation Attributes and Place Attachment- A Case Study of Visitors in Pei-Po
- 心情管理與旅遊偏好:罪惡與羞慚的影響為主動的情緒監控歷程 Mood Management and Travel Preferences : The Impact of Guilt and Shame is an Active Feeling-Monitoring Process
- 太魯閣國家公園原住民社區居民對發展生態旅遊之認知與需求 The Residents' Cognitions and Demands about Ecotourism in the Indigenous Communities of Taroko National Park
- 建構最佳的旅行業業務員薪資結構制度 Optimal Plan for Salesmen's Salary and Compensation Packages in Travel Agencies