休閒、壓力與調適研究:以中華航空女性空服員為例 Leisure, Stress, and Coping Research: The China Airline Stewardesses Case
不同類型遊客的遊憩動機與滿意度對重遊意願之關聯性分析——以渡假型休閒農場為例 An Integrated Analysis of Motivation and Satisfaction of Different Tourist Types on Willingness to Revisit: An Example of the Farm Resorts
整合性資料挖掘技術在休旅產業顧客關係行銷管理之應用 Applying "Integrated Data Mining" to Customer's Marketing Management in the Tourism Industry
焦慮與難過對旅遊偏好的差異性效應 The Differential Impact of Anxiety and Sadness on Travel Preferences