人類的價值取向與環境的關係——兼及其對休閒的意涵 The Relationship between Value Orlentations and Environment- and Its Implication for Leisure
保護區遊憩衝擊與實質生態承載量之研究——以臺北市四獸山植群為例 A Study on Recreational Impact and Physical-Ecological Carrying Capacity in Conservation Area: A Case Study on Vegetation at Four-Beast Mountain in Taipei
由遊憩吸引之角度回應李明宗先生質疑B.L. Drive遊憩體驗理論之替代性理念 A Responsive Exploration Towards Lee, Min-Chung's Critical Study, The Altern ative Concepts of B.L. Driver's Recreation Experiences Theory, From The View point of Recreation Attraction