輔導與諮商學報 The Journal of Guidance & Counseling |
202305 (45:1期)期所有篇 |
- 已婚女兒照顧失智父親之關係變化:系統觀點的探究 A Study on the Transformations of the Relationship between Married Daughters Who Cared for Their Demented Fathers and Her Families with the Systems Perspective
- 女同志分手後關係連結、社會支持與分手調適之探究 Research on the Relationship between Lesbians and Their Ex-partners, Social Support and Adjustment after Breakup
- 長期心理治療的人際經驗改變-心理師的觀點 A New Interpersonal Experience during Long-Term Psychotherapy: Counselors' Perspectives
- 從生態系統觀點探討肌萎症患者之職涯韌性與韌力 Exploring Career Resilience and Resiliency in Individuals with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: An Ecological Systems Theory Perspective