從督導與受督導者的觀點探討督導關係中督導權力的使用 Supervisors’ Uses of Social Power from Perspectives of Both Supervisors and Supervisees
職場工作者生涯自我效能、生涯調適力與工作適應之因素模式驗證 The Relationship among Career Self-efficacy, Career Adaptability and Work Adjustment of Adult Workers in Taiwan
生涯資訊系統之規訓科技與華人文化假說:以UCAN 為例 The Hypotheses of Disciplinary Technology and Chinese Culture in Career Information System: The Case of UCAN
「適性發展~活出個人生涯風格」方案介入臺南市國中生涯輔導之行動反思 Reflections on the Action of Implementation of the Program of “Living out One’s Own Career Lifestyle” in Tainan Junior High Schools
從「以我為榮」到「證明自己」:華人文化脈絡下知覺不同父母期待之大學生的生涯因應組型初探研究 From “Taking Pride in Me” to “Proving My Own Worth”: An Exploratory Study of the Impact of College Students’ Perceived Parental Expectations on their Patterns of Career Choices