教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
202206 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 實施翻轉教室對學習者學習成效影響之統合分析:臺灣與中國大陸樣本的分析與比較 Meta-Analysis of Studies on the Effect of Flipped Classroom Models on Students' Learning Outcomes: Analysis and Comparison of Samples From Taiwan and China
- 國小教師工作壓力與工作滿意度之關係研究:教師自我效能感的中介效果 Relationships Between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Elementary School Teachers: The Mediating Role of Teacher Self-Efficacy
- 樂高認真玩優勢職涯課程對臺灣大學生生涯適應的效果研究 Effects of a Strength-Centered Career Course on Career Adaptability of College Students Who Experienced LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY®