教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201312 (9:4期)期所有篇 |
- 課室專注力量表之建構 The Development of the Concentration Questionnaire
- 多元智能職涯探索量表之發展 Development of the Multiple Intelligences Occupational Scale
- 抗壓性格量表之編製及信度、效度的建立 The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Dispositional Stress-resistance Scale
- 工作與家庭衝突的概念、測量及分析:臺灣地區國民小學教師的實證研究 The Concept, Measurement and Analysis of Work and Family Conf lict: An Empirical Study of Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan
- 應用成長混合模式剖析臺灣青少年憂鬱發展軌跡的異質性:六步驟策略性模式發展機制研究 Application of Growth Mixture Model to Heterogeneous Trajectories of Depressive Moods of Adolescents: A Six-Step Strategic Model Development Mechanism
- 大學教師教學專業發展策略之研究 A Study on the Teaching Professional Development Strategies for the University Faculty