人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202409 (18:3期)期所有篇 |
- 從《管子四篇》定靜言說談情緒管理之可能 On Jingjingyan from Four Articles of Guanzi: The Possibility of Emotional Management
- 兒少照顧精神疾病父母對自我角色認同及身心健康衝擊之探討 An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Young Carers Caring for Parents with Mental Illness on Their Selfidentity and Physical and Mental Health
- 文化精神的應許之地:張承志《北方的河》之河流意象 The Promised Land of the Cultural Spirit: River Imagery in Zhang Chengzhi’s The River of the North
- 關凱文《瘋狂亞洲富豪》中的社會階層和衝突 Social Class and Conflict in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians