人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202306 (17:2期)期所有篇 |
- 六堆地區客家雜誌的歷史沿革、雜誌特色及其客家文化傳承分析 Analysis of History, Features and Hakka Cultural Inheritance from Liudui Hakka Magazines
- 從風險社會的觀點省思我國面對COVID-19的防疫政策 Response to the Epidemic Prevention Policy of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Risk Society
- 跨性別者婚後變性對婚姻效力之研究 Research of The Marriage Legal Validity When Transgenders Change Their Gender after Getting Married
- 宋元看話禪於靈隱寺飛來峰詩歌所呈顯之理禪融攝現象 The Phenomenon of Integrating Principles and Zen in the Poetry of Fei-lai Peak in Ling-yinTemple in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
- 「起朝儀」與劉邦權威的再建:以《史記》為核心的觀察 “Drawing up the Court Ritual” and the Re-established of Liu Bang’s Authority: An Observation Based on Shiji