人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
201912 (13:4期)期所有篇 |
- 從魏晉風流談士人的存在意識 On Literati's Existential Consciousness from Fengliu in the Wei-Jin Period
- 陰國雪猶吹:論屈大均詩中的「雪」涵義 The Snow Oppressing the Country Continues to Blow' - Discussing the Meaning of 'Snow' in Qu Dajun's Poetry
- 朱駿聲小學釋《易》析論 Study of Interpretation of I Ching in Zhu Jun Sheng's Work
- 「笑聲」與「寫實」:重探魯迅《故事新編》和張天翼《鬼土日記》、《洋涇濱奇俠》 'Laughter' and 'Realism': Review of Lu Xun's Old Stories Retold and Zhang Tianyi's Ghostland Diary and The Pidgin Warrior