人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
201212 (6:4期)期所有篇 |
- 辦桌節慶活動觀光客體驗價值、幸福感與行為意圖之研究 Experiential Value%2C Well-Being%2C and Behavioral Intention of Tourists at Banto (Catering) Festival Events
- 論夏曼‧藍波安與廖鴻基海洋書寫的差異 The Differences in the Ocean Writing by Syaman Rapongan and Liao Hung-Chi
- 我國女子職業高爾夫選手參賽效率與技術落差比率之研究 A Study of Taiwanese Ladies Professional Golfers’ Performance and Technology Gap Ratio
- 探討六堆地區觀光休閒產業之經營管理策略 To Study of Managing Strategies for Tourism and Leisure Industries in Taiwan’s Lui Dui Area
- 學校層級國小閩南語教材發展之個案研究:能力指標轉化的觀點 The Case Study of Minan Language Teaching Materials Development at School Level: The View of the Competence Indicator Transformation
- 老人社會支持與生活滿意度之研究-以南投縣為例 The Study on the Social Supports and Life Satisfaction for Elderly in Nantou County