測驗學刊 Psychological Testing |
201003 (57:1期)期所有篇 |
- MSPRT在精熟測驗上的應用--以2005年國中基本學力測驗數學科為例 Application of MSPRT to Mastery Test on the Basic Competence Test in Math for Junior High School Students
- 「國民中學自然科學性向測驗」之編製 The Development of Natural Science Academic Aptitude Tests for Junior High School Students
- 「工作設計量表」信效度衡鑑與工作結構潛在類別分析 Validation of the Work Design Questionnaire and Latent Class Analysis of Work Structure
- 創意產品共識評量之信、效度析論 Consensual Assessment for Creative Products: A Review of Reliability and Validity
- 國中基測英語科雙峰分配探索 Exploring the Bimodality of the Score Distribution of the English Test of the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students
- 標準設定效度驗證之探究--以大型數學學習成就評量為例 Validating the Performance Standards for Cut Scores in a Large-Scale Mathematics Assessment