嘉大教育研究學刊 National Chiayi University Journal of the Educational Research |
202106 (46期)期所有篇 |
- 幼兒園教師美的和諧觀及其在人際互動的實踐 The Harmonious View of Beauty among Kindergarten Teachers and Its Practice in Interpersonal Interactions
- Mircea Eliade的神話學觀點與教育意涵:以道禾實驗學校的神話課程為例 Mircea Eliade’s Mythological Theories and the Educational Significance : Taking the Example of the Mythology Curriculum in Natural Way School
- 自我效能與學業成就的相關性之後設分析:資優學生與一般學生比較 A Meta-analysis of Correlation among Self-efficacy and Academic Achievements: Comparison of Gifted Students and Normal Students
- 高齡成功老化運動教育之研究 Research on successful aging sports education for the elderly