真理財經法學 Aletheia University Journal of Financial and Economic Law |
201503 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 匯款轉帳之法律關係 The Legal Relationships to Money Transfer
- 論臺灣醫師適用「勞動基準法」之挑戰與法制發展 The Challenges and Legal Development of Taiwanese Physicians’ Appliance of the “Labor Standards Act”
- 外國離婚判決承認與執行——兼論最高法院96年臺上字第582號判決 The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Divorce Judgments-Focus on No. 582 Judgment of Taiwan Supreme Court in Year 2007
- 林野の調查˙整理と理蕃政策 The investigation on the forests and the policy of the governor General's office over the native in Taiwan