興大法學 Chung-Hsing University Law Review |
201605 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 道路交通違規舉發通知單之法律性質、生效與效力──行政處分概念、生效、效力與行政訴訟之關聯課題 On the Legal Nature, Effectiveness, Effect of the Road Traffic Violation Citation: Some Connected Legal Issues between the Administrative Disposition and the Administrative Procedure
- 網路時代個人資料保護之強化──被遺忘權利之主張 The Enforcement of Protection of Personal Data in Internet Era: The Claim of the Right to Be Forgotten
- 由民營電廠案論聯合行為之認定 An Essay on the Formation of Concerted Action: A Case Study of PPA between Taiwan Power Company and Independent Power Producer
- 國有土地出租爭議之審判權歸屬──以台中高等行政法院104年度訴字第53號判決出發 The Jurisdiction Dispute Regarding National Land Leases: Focusing on the Judgment of Taichung High Administrative Court 104 Su 53 (2015)
- 國會議員與內線交易──兼論證券交易法「基於職業關係獲悉消息之人」之範圍 Members of Congress and Insider Trading: The Scope of Persons Learning Inside Information Based on their Vocations under Securities Act