學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201306 (62期)期所有篇 |
- 北區某技術學院進修部學生健康促進生活型態及其相關因素研究 Study on health-promoting lifestyles and their related factors among the students of an institute of technology in Northern Taiwan
- 國中教師健康對其班級經營與學生學習的影響與效益分析--多層次模式應用 Influence and effect of health on junior high school teachers' class management and learning performances of students -A application of multilevel modeling
- 城鄉國中生睡眠規律性及相關因素研究 Sleep regularity and it's related factors among urban and rural junior high school students
- 國小學童善終概念之研究--以台北縣樹林市國小高年級學童為例 A study on elementary school students' concept of a good death - A case of high-grade elementary school students in Shulin, Taipei County
- 臺北市某國中學生正確用藥知識、態度與行為之研究 Knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding correct medication usage among junior high school students in Taipei City