歐美研究 EurAmerica |
201612 (46:4期)期所有篇 |
- 食品安全的法理與論證
- 歐盟追蹤追溯系統在食品安全體系中的功能:從風險管理到消費者知情選擇 Functions of the EU Traceability Regulations in the Food Safety System-From Risk Management to Informed Consumer Choice
- 消費資訊公開法制之建構:以德國消費資訊法為借鏡 A Study on Regulatory Schemes Governing Consumption Information Disclosure -Based on German Consumer Information Act
- 食品供應鏈中惡意汙染行為之防治:以美國、歐盟與國際組織的實踐為例 Preventing and Governing Deliberate Contamination in the Food Supply Chain -Case Studies of Practices in the US, the EU and International Organizations