![台灣醫學 台灣醫學](../File/DC/journal/496.jpg)
台灣醫學 Formosan Journal of Medicine |
202303 (27:2期)期所有篇 |
- 中文版頭痛失能量表之翻譯與心理計量檢驗 Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of Headache Disability Inventory-Chinese Version
- 以多元衛教策略改善眼內注射手術病人術前焦慮 Using Multiple Health Education Strategies to Reduce Preoperative Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Intraocular Injection Surgery
- B型肝炎疫苗對台灣兒童至青少年免疫保護力衰退的探究 Waning of Protective Effectiveness of HBV Vaccine in Childhood and Teenagers in Taiwan
- 運用重點式超音波協助一位淋巴瘤病人之病理診斷 Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) for the Pathologic Diagnosis in a Patient with Lymphoma
- 動作障礙疾病的診斷與治療--緒言 Introduction
- 亨丁頓病的臨床表徵與鑑別診斷 Clinical Manifestation and Differential Diagnosis of Huntington Disease
- 肌躍症的診斷與治療 Diagnosis and Treatment for Myoclonus
- 巴金森氏症診斷之挑戰 Diagnostic Challenges of Parkinson’s Disease
- 巴金森氏症的治療與最新藥物進展 Parkinson’s Disease Treatment and New Drugs Development
- 巴金森氏症的深腦電刺激治療 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease
- 新冠肺炎疫苗緊急使用授權之政策與法規 Policy and Regulation of Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccine
- 疫苗的臨床療效指標與免疫橋接在疫苗研發的角色 Efficacy Endpoints and the Role of Immuno-Bridging in Vaccine Development
- 降低調奶室工作人員職業傷害成效之計畫 A Project to Reduce the Risk of Occupational Injury in Milk Preparation Room
- 預防內視鏡逆行性膽胰管造影術引發的胰臟炎之臨床指引 Clinical Guidelines for Prevention of Post-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Pancreatitis
- 加強版防疫專責旅館隔離個案返家之關懷 The Care Plan of the Enhanced Anti-Epidemic Hotel Isolation Cases after Returning Home
- 心室早期收縮? Ventricular Premature Complex ?