臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
202006 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 海洋法公約「軍事活動」管轄例外條款研析──論克赤海峽爭端案及中菲南海爭端之分歧 Assessing the UNCLOS Military Exception Clause - The implication of ITLOS Ukraine v. Russian (Kerch Strait) and PCA South China Sea Arbitration
- 從我國法院給付返還之觀點論替代擔保金之保證書 The judgements on repayment claims for alternative deposit guarantees from the viewpoint of Taiwan court
- 從海洋法政層面論北極公海漁業管理之未來展望 Ocean Legal and Policy Aspects to the Future Perspective of Arctic High Seas Fisheries Management
- 現代國際漁業秩序中港口國的角色──近年國家實踐與發展趨勢 The Role of Port States in the Contemporary International Fisheries Order: Recent State Practices and Development Trends
- 臺灣海洋污染防治應變機制之研究 Study on the Strain Mechanism of Marine Pollution Control Contingency in Taiwan