臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
200506 (4:1期)期所有篇 |
- 論萬國公罪海盜罪之修法研議 A Revised Text for the provisions of Piracy as
- 從德國法制看國際法引入國內法領域的問題 A Study on the Incorporation Law into the German Law
- 台灣參加南極條約的可能性 The Possibility of Taiwan's Participation in the Antarctic Treaty
- 出席加拿大1995年跨界暨高度洄遊魚類種群保育及管理協定行動計畫措施前瞻會議報告 The Canadian Foresight Conference on the Action of Plan for the Agreement Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocls and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks ,1995