臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
200412 (3:2期)期所有篇 |
- 「海岸法草案」修訂建議 A Revised Text for the Draft Articles of Costal Zone
- 國際海洋法中關於無害通過權規定與實踐之探討:以核動力船舶和載運核物質或其他本質上危險或有毒物質的船舶、潛水艇和軍艦為例 An Exploration to the Rrgulations and Practices of the Right of Innocent Passage :with Special Reference to Nuclear-power Ships and ShipsCarrying Nuclear or Other Inherently Dangerous or Noxious Substances, Submarines, and Warships
- 論大衆傳播媒體報導SARS疫情與人格權保障之衝突 The Conflict between Reporting of SARS by Mass Media and Protection of Right to Personality
- 臺灣參與發展中的國際漁業法律制度:對臺灣官方和漁民的影響 Taiwan's Engagement in the Developing International Legime for Fishing:Implications for Taiwanese Officials Fishers