臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
200312 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 論沒入大陸走私船舶之裁罰判斷評台北高等行政法院九十一年度訴字第一一四號判決 The study on the judgement of Confiscating of P.R.C. smuggling vessels
- 中共反偷渡法制之探討 The study on the anti-smuggling legal system of P.R.C.
- 論現行船員受懲戒處分之救濟制度設計 The study on the current seaman disciplinary offence procedure
- 海難救助準據法之研究 A survey on the problem of law applicable to salvage
- 淺析我國刑法海盜罪規定及其修正建議 A study on Taiwan present criminal law about piracy and its criticism and the suggest of modifying
- 海上行政檢查(搜索)之評釋 A review on the administrative inspestion (search ) on movable vehicles at sea