經理人股票選擇權的時間價值、智慧資本及公司特定風險 The Time Value of Executive Stock Option Compensation, Intellectual Capital, and Firm-Specific Risk
策略性績效評估系統對銀行債權管理績效影響之探討:以權益公平認知與目標一致性為中介影響變數 The Effects of Strategic Performance Measurement Systems on Bank Loan Management Performance: Equity Fairness Perceptions and Goal Alignment as Mediators
績效基礎的紅利發放政策對盈餘管理的影響 The Effect on Earnings Management of Bonus-Grants as Performance Incentives
智慧資本如何中介台商赴大陸投資與經營績效之關聯:S型曲線之實證 How Intellectual Capital Mediates the Relationship between Configuration in China and Operating Performance: The S-Curve Hypothesis