國立中正大學法學集刊 National Chung Cheng University Law Journal |
200201 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 由危險概念論網路服務提供者或網站管理人成立刑事責任之可能性 On the issue of punitive responsibility of internet service provider(ISP)
- 英美法和大陸法的融合 The Confluence of Common Law and Civil Law
- 我國勞資爭議處理制度之現況與檢討 A Study on the Laws and System Governing Labor Dispute Resolution in Taiwan
- 現代人權體系中平等原則之研究(上) A Research On The Equal Principle in the Contemporary Human Rights System
- 論國際貿易交貨條款與國際私法之適用 A Study on the Relationship of the Application between the Law governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters involving Foreign Elements and Incoterms in the Supreme Court Relevant Decisions.
- 從信託之共價值談涉外信託之準據法 Trusts Conflicts Law-A Prevailing Value Based Approach