國立中正大學法學集刊 National Chung Cheng University Law Journal |
201508 (58期)期所有篇 |
- 網路小說影視授權契約之法律問題研究——以中國大陸法制與相關案例為中心 Research on the Legal Issues of Authorization Contract of Web Fiction Filming - Focusing on the Legal System and Relevant Cases of Mainland China
- 地方稅立法與解釋權限之研究——以監理效益為探討核心 The Study on the Local Tax Legislation and the Authority of the Tax Law- Focus on Supervisory Efficiency
- 監獄行刑中的修復式正義——以德國、美國的經驗為例 In-Prison Restorative Justice - Learning from the Experience of Germany and the United States
- 特留分扣減權行使與不動產繼承登記之塗銷 Exercising the Rights of Deduction and Canceling Real Estate Registration of Family Court in Taiwan