健康生活與成功老化學刊 Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging |
202011 (12:1期)期所有篇 |
- 高中職生對於AR反毒桌遊之評價 Evaluation of High School Vocational Students on the Augmented Reality Board Games to Anti-Drug
- 台灣與中國大陸大學生性健康素養之比較研究 A Comparative Study on Sexual Health Literacy of College Students across Taiwan strait
- 探討高齡社會下運動休閒活動政策發展趨勢──以政策創新的觀點 The Study on the Development of Sport and Leisure Policies in the Aged Society from Policy Innovation Approach
- 國中學生對於3D VR拒菸教材之評價 Evaluation of Junior High Students on 3D VR Interactive Antismoking Program