健康生活與成功老化學刊 Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging |
201810 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用敘事研究法探討參與藥物濫用防制活動之高關懷青少年生命經驗 pplying a narrative research to explore life courses of high-risk adolescents in participating activities regarding illegal drug use prevention
- 由國中健康教育教師實務觀點來看十二年國教之健康教育科發展與願景 Vision and progress of 12-year compulsory health education: the perspectives of Junior High School Health Education Teachers
- 某縣市戒菸班推動成效初探之行動研究 Action research on the efficacy of promoting smoking cessation program in some county
- 應用文字探勘探索痛經婦女之疾病經驗 Using text mining techniques to explore the illness experience among women with dysmenorrhea