健康生活與成功老化學刊 Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging |
201608 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 不同處方精油對職業婦女睡眠品質與生活品質探討 Effect of the prescription of essential oils on the sleep and life quality of career women
- 18 週下肢閉鎖式運動對高齡者行走能力與健康效益之初步探討--以台中市某社區為例 A Preliminary Study of the effect of Eighteen-week Lower Extremities Close-chain Exercise for Elders’ Walking Ability and Health Condition –The example of a Community Elder in Taichung City
- 認知復健對於失智症患者成效之統合分析初探 Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with dementia: a meta-analysis
- 以焦點團體法探討健康促進育成中心之成立與運作模式 Application of focus group interview in the establishment and subsequent operation of a health promotion incubation centers