政大智慧財產評論 NCCU Intellectual Property Review |
200804 (6:1期)期所有篇 |
- 兩岸專利代理機構營運及績效比較--以將群、三友及三環為例 A Comparison between Taiwan and Across the Strait Patent Prosecution Business Models and Effects
- 兩岸IT產業智財保護與研發策略--以研華、方正集團為例 The IP Management and R&D Strategy of Cross-Strait IT Industry-Cases of the Advantech Corp. and the Founder Group
- 兩岸國家型農業生技園區之營運模式探討--以楊凌農業高新技術產業示範區及屏東農業生物科技園區為例 Business Model of Cross-Strait National Agricultural Biotechnology Parks: An Illustration of Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone and Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park
- 兩岸智慧財產法院及審判實務 The Practice of the IP Cases in the Court in Taiwan and China