政大智慧財產評論 NCCU Intellectual Property Review |
200710 (5:2期)期所有篇 |
- 產品創新秘密保護期之敏感度分析 Sensitivity Analysis for Secret Protection Horizon of Product Innovations
- 從專利觀點比較台灣與南韓技術創新能力(1987-2006) Technological Innovative Capacity of Taiwan and South Korea from 1987-2006-A Perspective of Patents
- 對著作權保護範圍擴張的因應--合理使用實務與理論基礎之研究 A Response to the Enlargement of the Scope of Copyright-A Review of Judicial Practice and the Theoretical Framework of Fair Use
- 大學技轉及育成中心的迷失與困境 The Myth and Loss of University Technology Licensing and Business Incubator