著作權法宏觀修法之比較研究 Comparative Study of Principles for de lega ferenda Copyright Law
兩岸著作權法修正發展之觀察與初步探討 The Observation and Preview to the Cross-Strait Copyright Amendments
論生物相似性藥品上市審查規範:以美國生物藥品價格競爭與創新法為師或為鑒? On Regulation of Biosimilar: A Model or a Lesson by the U.S. Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009?
美國貿易法第337條與世界貿易組織法律架構之相容與衝突--以專利執法措施為研究中心 Section 337 of the US Tariff Act in the Context of United States Obligations under the WTO Legal Framework with Focus on Patent Enforcement Measures