身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
202406 (22:2期)期所有篇 |
- 定向越野運動方案對國小自閉症學生健康體適能及身體意象之影響 Effect of Orienteering Program on Health-related Physical Fitness and Body Image of Elementary School Students with Autism
- 身心障礙學童照顧者對長照2.0陪同就醫與外出服務之期許與建議 Expectations and Suggestions of Caregivers of Students with Disabilities on Long-term Care 2.0 Accompanying Scheme for Medical Appointments and Outings
- 特殊教育服務群教師實施課程調整與專業課程認同度、行政支持對就業轉銜因應措施之影響 Special Education Service Cluster Teacher’s Implementation of Curriculum Adjustment, Professional Curriculum Recognition, and Administrative Support on Response Measures for Employment Transition
- 談融合教育理念在我國入法之探討 Discussing the Meaning of Inclusive Education into Legislation in Taiwan
- 園藝治療對失智老人憂鬱、自尊及福祉成效探討 Horticultural Therapy on Depression, Self-esteem and Well-being in Elderly People with Dementia