身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
202403 (22:1期)期所有篇 |
- 懸吊運動課程對發展性協調障礙兒童手部動作改善成效──個案先驅研究 Effect of Suspension Exercise Course on Improving Hand Movements of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorders: Pilot Study
- 重度障礙學生照顧哲學之探討與反思 Exploratin and Reflection on the Care Philosphy for Students with Severe Disabilities
- 成年智能障礙者精神徵狀量表的引進與在智能障礙機構應用 Prevalence and Factors Impacting Psychological Symptoms in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwanese Care Institutions
- 智能障礙者罹患失智症風險:機構照顧者認知識能分析 Risk of Dementia in People with Intellectual Disabilieites: An Analysis of Institutional Caregivers’Cognitive Literacy Skills
- 特殊教育服務群科以設計為本探討融合教育實務問題與實踐 The Explorations of Practical Issues and Practices on Designed-oriended Inclusive Education in Special Education Service Cluster