身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
202112 (19:3、4期)期所有篇 |
- 極低量高強度間歇訓練,對高職智能障礙學生健康體適能和身體自我概念之影響 The Effects of Extremely Low-volume High Intensity Interval Training on the Health-related Physical Fitness and Physical Self-concept for Vocational High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- 演奏太鼓對於改善慢性精神疾患負性症狀及人際互動之成效 Effects of Playing Taiko on Improving Negative Symptoms and Personal Interactions of Chronic Psychotic Patients: A Single Sample Comparison before and after with the Pioneer Effect Evaluation
- 人權框架下的身心障礙者就業經驗初探 An Exploration of the Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in the Labor Market Based on a Human Rights Framework
- 發展注意力不足過動症國中生足球訓練課程並檢視,對改善動作協調能力之成效 Development of the Football Training Programme through Investigating Effects of Motor Coordination for the Junior High School Student with ADHD
- 急性有氧運動介入,對國中學習障礙學生工作記憶與識字成就效果 The Effect of Acute Aerobic Exercise on the Work Memory and Mandarin Achievement among the Student with Learning Disabilities in Junior High School
- 家庭為中心早期療育服務研究之文獻回顧 Literature Review of Research on Family-centered Early Intervention Services in Taiwan
- 以工作分析法進行地板滾球介入,對國小中度智能障礙學生改善擲球精準度之研究 Improving Precision of Ball Throwing through the Program of Task Analysis and Boccia Intervention for the Elementary School Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities