成大法學 Cheng Kung Law Review |
202212 (44期)期所有篇 |
- 嫁出成外族,嫁入成國人──婚姻作為女性原住民與國民身分的中介機制 Marry out and Become an Outsider, Marry in and Become a Citizen:Marriage as a Mediating Mechanism of Women’s Indigenous Status and Nationality
- 聚眾妨害秩序罪之解釋釋疑 An Interpretive Study on Offense of Participants’ Interference with Public Order
- 從公平審判原則探討我國國參審制終局評議秘密原則 Discussing the Secrecy of Final Deliberation of the Lay Judge System in Taiwan from the Principle of Fair Trial