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歐盟的政治形式與歐盟條約的「國際社會契約」面向:重訪普芬道夫、孟德斯鳩與盧梭的聯邦政治體理論 The Political Form of the European Union and the Inter-State Social-Contract Aspect of the EU Treaties: Revisiting the Federation Theories of Pufendorf, Montesquieu and Rousseau
飛地審議模式的參與式預算實踐:以身心障礙者就業之參與式預算試辦計畫為例 Participatory Budgeting with Enclave Deliberation: A Case Study of a Project on Disability Employment Promotion
東南亞米與日本帝國:全球農糧體制中的跨帝國分工與資本積累 Southeast Asian Rice and the Japanese Empire: The Transimperial Division of Labour and Capital Accumulation in the Global Food Regime