台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202408 (43:4期)期所有篇 |
- 兒童發展篩檢與評估 Screening and assessment of child development
- 人類乳突病毒基因篩檢自我取樣:子宮頸癌篩檢的新方式 Self-sampling for human papillomavirus genetic screening: a new method for cervical cancer screening
- 家屬代理維生醫療決策之道德基礎、標準與決策形成模式:對台灣安寧緩和政策的反思 Moral grounds, standards, and decision-making models for surrogate life-sustaining treatment decisions by family members: a reflection on Taiwan’s hospice and palliative care policy
- 愛滋風險入罪化之公衛與人權省思——國外實證回顧與台灣法院判決分析 Reflections on public health and human rights in HIV criminalization: empirical review and analysis of court judgments in Taiwan
- 戒癮動機中的處遇準備與家庭支持的關聯性:針對社區處遇中物質使用者的分析 Relationship between motivational readiness and family support: an examination of clients with substance use disorder in community-based treatment
- 評論:戒癮動機中的處遇準備與家庭支持的關聯性:針對社區處遇中物質使用者的分析 Commentary: relationship between motivational readiness and family support: an examination of clients with substance use disorder in community-based treatment
- 作者回覆:戒癮動機中的處遇準備與家庭支持的關聯性:針對社區處遇中物質使用者的分析 Authorsʼresponse to commentary: relationship between motivational readiness and family support: an examination of clients with substance use disorder in community-based treatment
- 戒除抑或減害:台灣藥愛防治專業人員之處遇經驗與觀點 Abstinence versus harm reduction: experiences and perspectives of chemsex service providers in Taiwan
- 建構能力導向訓練計畫之評估架構——修正式德菲法研究 Developing an evaluation framework for competency-based training programs using a modified Delphi method