台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202210 (41:5期)期所有篇 |
- 消除C型肝炎最關鍵的一哩路:注射藥物族群的防治現況與建議 The most critical mile to eliminate hepatitis C: Current status and recommendations for the prevention and treatment of people who inject drugs
- 醫療照護適當性:概念性定義、測量與國際倡議 Appropriateness of medical care: conceptualization, measurement, and international initiative review
- 青少年於新冠肺炎疫情期間維持社交距離之動機與行為的相關探討:以同理心為中介變項 Adolescents' motivation and behavior to maintain social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of empathy
- 生活技能健康教學策略提升教保服務人員視力保健教學能力之介入研究 An intervention effect study on improving preschool educators ability on eye care programs by adopting life skill based strategies
- 台灣社區營養推廣中心服務現況、挑戰與契機之質性研究 A qualitative exploration of progress, challenges, and opportunities in community nutrition services in Taiwan
- 基因與運動與台灣民眾痛風得病風險的關聯性 Relationship of genes and exercise with risk of gout in a Taiwanese population
- 評論:基因與運動與台灣民眾痛風得病風險的關聯性 Commentary: relationship of genes and exercise with risk of gout in a Taiwanese population
- 作者回覆:基因與運動與台灣民眾痛風得病風險的關聯性 Authors' response to commentary: relationship of genes and exercise with risk of gout in a Taiwanese population
- 大氣空氣品質和腎臟透析病人的死亡相關:系統性文獻回顧 Association between ambient air quality and the mortality risk of dialysis patients: a systematic review
- 讀者來函:福利體系中的世代衝突與世代團結 Letters to the editor: intergenerational conflicts and intergenerational solidarity in welfare systems
- 作者回覆:快速高齡化與代間衝突 Author's response to letters to the editor: rapid aging and intergenerational conflicts