從美國經驗探討台灣長期照護制度改革 An exploration of long-term care policy reform in Taiwan: what can we learn from the U.S. experience
從綜合性學校衛生計畫看學校健康教育的發展:以巴基斯坦卡拉奇一所高中為例 Development of the School Health Education Program from the perspective of Comprehensive School Health Model: an example at a Higher Secondary School of Karachi, Pakistan
中文多面向健康識能量表(MMHLQ)之發展 Development of Mandarin Multidimensional Health Literacy Questionnaire (MMHLQ)
以理論為架構探討影響孕婦季節性流感疫苗接種意圖之相關因素:以臺北市立聯合醫院為例 Factors associated with the behavioral intention towards receiving a seasonal influenza vaccine during pregnancy - an empirical study at Taipei City Hospital
台灣台東縣學齡前兒童的咀嚼能力與進食行為之關係探討 A study on masticatory ability and eating behaviors for preschool children in Taitung County, Taiwan
運用修正型德菲法與健保資料庫開發具可行性的兒科品質報告卡指標 The use of modified Delphi method and health insurance database to develop feasible indicators for pediatric quality report card