台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201610 (35:5期)期所有篇 |
- 醫師適用勞動基準法的爭議--以會計師、律師經驗為鏡 Dispute about physicians being covered by the Labor Standards Act - the experience of accountants and lawyers
- 台灣死亡率與平均餘命變動速率關係趨勢--生命表熵的應用 Trends in the relationship between the proportional rate of change in force of mortality and life expectancy: an application of life-table entropy
- 台灣膳食暴露評估模型之電腦系統開發與應用:以有機磷農藥殘留為例 Developments and applications of a computerized system for Taiwan diet exposure assessment model: demonstrated for organophosphate pesticides residues in food matrices
- 穀類研磨場所空氣細菌及真菌之分布特性 Characteristics of the distribution of airborne bacteria and fungi in grain processing plants
- 從單雙環學習模式看醫療團隊執行新實務的學習成效 Investigating the learning performance of teams adopting a new medical practice by the Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning Models
- 遠距健康照護對可避免住院與醫療利用之影響 The effect of tele-healthcare intervention on preventable hospitalizations and healthcare utilization in Taiwan
- 老年人肺結核知識、態度和預防行為之探討:以鳳林鎮為例 Knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviors relative to tuberculosis in the elderly - a study in Fenglin Township, Taiwan
- 評論:結核病防治與人權教育 Commentary: tuberculosis control and human rights education
- 利用政府開放性資料建構台灣線上互動式疾病死因地圖 Using government open data to construct a Taiwan online interactive map of disease causes of death