台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201412 (33:6期)期所有篇 |
- 高雄市石化氣爆災害對登革熱疫情之影響評析
- 老人群體居住安排變動與醫療服務使用之多面向長期研究 A longitudinal study of multi-dimensional interrelationships between changes in living-arrangements and medical service utilization by an older population
- 加速失敗時間模式分析新發乳癌病患併發血栓栓塞對其存活的影響 Accelerated failure time model analysis of the impact of thromboembolic events on survival in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
- 醫院非醫務活動收益之分析--以台灣非營利醫院為例 Analysis of non-patient revenues in non-profit hospitals - evidence from Taiwan
- 台灣營養師工作壓力、工作滿意度、職業倦怠和離職傾向之現況與相關性 Work stress, job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intentions of dietitians in Taiwan: description and relationship
- 乳癌病患使用部落格的疾病經驗交流之初探 An exploratory study of the use of blogs as a means of communication for breast cancer patients
- 身體質量指數及日常運動預防台灣中老年人步行能力衰退之組合效應 Combined effect of Body Mass Index and physical activity on the decline in walking ability amongst older Taiwanese
- 健康行為群聚類別與醫療利用之關係--以台灣成年初顯期族群為例 Clustering of health-related behaviors and healthcare services utilization amongst emerging adults in Taiwan
- 資訊科技應用於改善多重慢性病人門診重複處方之分析 Implementing health information technology in an outpatient setting to reduce duplicate prescriptions among patients with multiple chronic diseases
- 台灣新生兒B型肝炎疫苗政策之直接成本分析 Direct cost comparison of the hepatitis B immunization policy in Taiwan