台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201404 (33:2期)期所有篇 |
- 影響早期療育資訊系統使用效益之因素--以桃園縣為例 Factors in the utilization of an early intervention for children with developmental delays information system – an example from Taoyuan County
- 某醫學中心護理人員之輪班工作與代謝症候群相關參數 A study relating shift work to the parameters of metabolic syndrome among nurses in a medical center
- 資訊揭露透明度與醫院治理效能:一代健保與二代健保比較研究 Transparency of information disclosure and effectiveness of hospital governance: a comparative study of the first and second generations of Nation Health Insurance
- 精神疾病患者出院後門診追蹤與轉介精神復健機構治療之成本效益分析 A cost-benefit analysis of psychiatric patients after discharge from hospitals and followed-up as outpatients or transferred to institutions for psychiatric rehabilitation
- 醫師與非醫師對於電子病歷隱私保護行為意圖之比較研究 A comparative study of the intention to protect the privacy of the electronic medical record by physicians and non-physician staff
- 系統性個別護理指導方案對裝置永久性心律調節器病患自我照顧知識、態度及行為之成效 The effectiveness of a systematic patient education intervention on knowledge, attitudes and behavior about self care in patients with permanent pacemakers
- 民眾如何理解接連而來的新興流感? How lay people make sense of successively emerging influenzas?
- 台灣地區酒精使用型態與醫療使用行為之關係探討 The relationship between the pattern of alcohol consumption and healthcare utilization in Taiwan
- 資訊需求與暴露的族群間差異:對男男間性行為者進行愛滋防治的啟示 Group differences in the need for messages and exposure to messages: implications for HIV/AIDS prevention and control among men who have sex with men