台灣18歲以下未成年人交通事故住院發生率與醫療資源耗用之相關因素 Incidence of and factors associated with medical costs of traffic injury-related hospitalization of children in Taiwan
高估或低估?自我評核與評鑑委員評核結果的一致性探討:以2009年護理之家 Higher or lower? Agreement between self-evaluation and externalevaluation regarding the outcome of nursing home accreditation: an analysis of the 2009 Nursing Home Accreditation Survey
醫師的安眠藥物處方行為之初探:一項質性研究 A preliminary investigation of hypnotic prescribing behavior by physicians: a qualitative study
台灣民眾有類流感症狀時戴口罩之行為意圖及其相關因素探討:H1N1新型流感大流行與後大流行期間之比較 The prevalence of and factors associated with intention to wear a face mask during an influenza-like illness: a comparison between the influenza A/H1N1 pandemic and the post-pandemic phase
促進小學生健康飲食行為之研究:整合跨理論模式及問題導向學習模式 Integrating the transtheoretical model and problem-based learning strategies to improve students’ dietary behaviors
影響台灣不同世代老人存活相關因子探討 Integrating the transtheoretical model and problem-based learning strategies to improve students’ dietary behaviors