台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201112 (30:6期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣社會政治環境變遷;防治策略與登革熱流行及未來展望 The relationships among socio-political / environmental changes, prevention and control strategies, and epidemics of dengue fever in Taiwan—future prospects
- 台灣地區高樓可得性與跳樓自殺之相關 The correlation between availability of high-rise buildings and suicide by jumping in Taiwan
- 評論:台灣地區高樓可得性與跳樓自殺之相關
- 作者回覆:台灣地區高樓可得性與跳樓自殺之相關
- 服用雞尾酒療法之愛滋病毒感染者其慢性病盛行率與發生率之探討 The incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases among HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
- 比較不同地理可近性分析方法於評估台灣各鄉鎮每萬人口西醫師數之差異 Comparisons of different methods of geographical accessibility in evaluating township-level physician-to-population ratios in Taiwan
- 探索勞工健康信念與噪音暴露防護行為之關聯 Exploring various health beliefs concerning hearing loss and noise prevention among workers in relation to their personal protective behavior
- 民眾溝通特質與策略對醫師滿意與信任的影響 The impact of personal communication characteristics and strategies for dialogue on patients' satisfaction with and trust in physicians
- 台灣小型醫院防火安全等級評價模式 Ranking evaluation and analysis of fire safety for small-scale hospitals in Taiwan
- 台灣毒品防制政策成效未能彰顯之成因探究 The primary factors that affect the efficacy of drug prevention policies in Taiwan